Gabel Associates

Gabel Associates is an energy consulting firm headquartered in Highland Park, New Jersey. The firm is an Energy Agent registered with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (Registration No. EA-0021), and has an online bidding platform that compliant with applicable NJ Department of Community Affairs e-bidding rules. Among other services, Gabel Associates provides consulting services to municipalities to assist them with the implementation of Community Energy Aggregation Programs. Gabel Associates was the energy consultant for the first such program ever implemented in the State of New Jersey, in 2012. Since that time, Gabel Associates has helped many NJ municipalities implement CEA programs, and our programs have helped over 250,000 residential customers in the State in two dozen municipalities save in excess of $70 million on their electric bills. More recently, in addition to achieving electricity savings for participating residents, we have assisted numerous municipalities to add enhanced renewable energy content to the power supply provided through their CEA programs.

On this webpage, you can learn the basics about Community Energy Aggregation, you can ask questions about the specific CEA program in your community, and you can opt-out of your community's CEA program if you desire.